Articles RSS Overview

Our Articles feature allows AIMI to add articles around your industry to share in your calendar. Based on your industry she automatically adds feeds which you can control. You also have the option to add custom feeds from your own blog, YouTube channel, Podcast channel, or from any valid RSS/XML feed.

On the 1st of the month when AIMI auto-builds your calendar, she will grab articles from your “Article Library” and add them as posts strategically in your calendar for you to schedule. You have full control over the time frames and frequency of articles she adds every month.

Our Articles feature allows AIMI to add articles around your industry to share in your calendar. Based on your industry she automatically adds feeds which you can control. You also have the option to add custom feeds from your own blog, YouTube channel, Podcast channel, or from any valid RSS/XML feed.

On the 1st of the month when AIMI auto-builds your calendar, she will grab articles from your “Article Library” and add them as posts strategically in your calendar for you to schedule. You have full control over the time frames and frequency of articles she adds every month.