How to change your monthly calendar rebuild day.

AIMI, by default, will use the day you created your calendar as your monthly rebuild day.

For example, if you created your calendar on Dec 8th, your rebuild day will be the 8th day of the month.

How to change your rebuild day?

Step#1: Click on “Campaign Settings” in your calendar options side menu.

Step#2: Open the “Auto-Build” settings menu.

Step#3: Click on the “edit day” link and pick the new day of the month you want your auto-builds to happen.

Make sure to click the save button.

What happens after your auto-build day is changed?

The system will check all existing campaigns and if a campaign had the original build day settings, for example, 1-31 days. Then the system will automatically change the campaign to have your new ranges, for example, if you changed your build day from day 1 to day 14. Then your campaigns will be updated from day 1-31 to day 14-13 of next month.

You can see the day ranges in your campaigns table.

What happens to campaigns that have custom day ranges?

If you have a campaign that only runs for a particular part of the month, for example, days 7 – 15, then the system will leave those settings alone. It will only change the end day to fit within your new 31-day window if your day ranges don’t fit.

NOTE: If you change your build day and have any custom day range settings, it is recommended you review those settings and adjust your custom campaigns accordingly.

You can use the “Clear and Rebuild Calendar” option under the calendar build options found in your side menu to build a new calendar, or you can wait until your rebuild date to create a new month of posts based on your new settings.